Do you need to change your dogs food?
icon March 15, 2024
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Do you need to change your dogs food?

Many owners often wonder if they should regularly change the dog food they give to their pet, because they think that their dog might get bored of the same food or they need to diversify the diet. But is this true? 

Dogs, like humans, need a balanced and nutritious diet that meets their specific nutritional needs. Choosing the right food for your dog is critical to his overall health and well-being. When choosing, pay attention to the food composition - whether it contains enough protein of animal origin, whether the feed contains ingredients of grain origin, check for products that could cause allergies, does it have the necessary vitamins and supplements in the ingredients list.  


When should the usual feed be changed? 

Allergies or sensitivities: If your dog begins to show allergy symptoms or is sensitive to certain ingredients in the current food, then it may be necessary to choose a different food that better suits your pet's needs.  


Specific Pet Needs: Puppies, senior dogs and adult dogs with specific health conditions may benefit from a diet tailored to their specific life stage or health needs. In such cases, it may be necessary to switch to a different formula or specific diet in consultation with your veterinarian.   


However, unlike humans, dogs do not necessarily get bored with the same food. In fact, many dogs like the consistency and regularity of their food because it is highly digestible and meets their pet's needs. Sometimes pet owners think their pets do not like the food because the dog does not eat it willingly anymore and start supplementing it with some snacks, wet food, put add-ons to the bowls to help but this is very risky. 


 By adding different things, it is hard to monitor caloric intake and dogs are smart if they see they can get a tastier alternative by not eating their food, they will use this trick to get more treats. If you can see that there are no changes in weight and the dog is not showing any signs of digestive problems or allergies - there is usually no need to change his food.  



How to successfully replace old feed with new? 

If you do decide to change your dog's food, it is very important to do so gradually to reduce the risk of digestive problems. Here are some tips for safely transitioning to new foods: 

  • Gradual Transition: Introduce the new food slowly, mixing increasing amounts of the new food with decreasing amounts of the old food over 7-10 days.   


  • Choose similar formulas: When choosing a new food, try to choose a formula that is similar in protein and fat to your dog's current food. Avoid sudden transitions from grain-free food to grain-based food, as this can upset your dog's digestive system.  


  • Monitor your dog's reaction: Watch for signs of indigestion, allergic reactions or behavioral changes, and contact your vet if you have any concerns. Please note that it takes a bit of time for a dogs digestive system to get used to the new food so it is normal for the dog to have increased amounts of feces, but it is not normal to exhibit diarrhea or have increased amounts for prolonged periods.   


The decision to change your dog's food should be based on his individual needs and circumstances. While some dogs may benefit from changing their diet, for others it can be a huge mistake. Remember to put your dog's health and well-being first when making nutritional decisions and consult your veterinarian or pet nutritionist. 

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